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In and around Hamburg

Member authorities

Member authorities (PTAs) in the hvv association

On amendment of the basic legal framework (Regionalization) in 1996 the Bundesländer or Regional German States assumed total responsibility for the organisation and funding of local public transport in their areas. Regional states such as Schleswig-Holstein and Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) subsequently undertook a split of the various obligations. The counties were assigned the task of organising and funding the bus service offer. The regional states themselves remained responsible in the local rail sector.

The public transport authorities forming the hvv partnership are also stakeholders in hvv GmbH, their guidance and transport management agency

Respective stakes in hvv GmbH are as follows:

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg 85.5%

Responsible for local rail public transport (LRPT) and also for bus-, rapid-transit U-Bahn (metro)- and harbour or river ferry services provided within the boundaries of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

Schleswig-Holstein 3.0 %

Responsible for local rail public transport (LRPT) in the regional state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) 2.0 %

As the competent public transport agency in Lower Saxony Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft mbH (LNVG), assumes responsibility for local rail public transport (LRPT) in the state.

The counties of Herzogtum Lauenburg, Pinneberg, Segeberg, Stormarn, Harburg, Lüneburg and Stade 9.5%

These counties are responsible for bus services provided in their areas.