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In and around Hamburg

Hamburg CARD

The best way to see Hamburg at its best!

The Hamburg CARD gives you free travel on hvv services and attractive discounts. This is the cheap, convenient and flexible way to explore Hamburg - alone or as a group.

A Single Ticket is valid for 1 adult and up to 3 children (aged 6-14), a Group Ticket for 5 persons of any age. Validity expires at 6 am on the morning following the last day it is valid for. The CARDs are valid for 2nd class travel on all hvv services

ProductNo. of daysValid forPrice

Hamburg CARD

1 - 5 days
Hamburg AB
Fare zone plan U/S/A/R - diagram (321.26 KB)
from 11.90 €

More than just a ticket

With the Hamburg CARD you can get up to 50 % reduction on more than 150 tourist attractions, including:

  • harbour and Alster boat trips and city tours
  • entrance to sights and museums
  • tickets for musicals and theatres (spare tickets for regular shows at the box office) 
  • restaurants, coffee-shops and souvenirs

All the benefits

Where can I get the Hamburg CARD?

You can get the Hamburg CARD here in our Online Shop, at all ticket machines, in our service centres, via the hvv App, in DB travel centres, at the tourist information offices at Hauptbahnhof, Dammtor station, the port and at youth hostels and travel agents as well as under telephone number 040/300 51 300.